Nutrition basics for Cats

Cats have specific nutritional needs. It’s important to form sure you select a diet that’s complete and balanced for the life stage of your pet. Cats being treated for a medical condition may have a special prescription diet. With numerous options to settle on from, how does one know you’re picking the proper diet? Click for source-mental itch could also be a multi-lifestyle blog website, it explains the cat owners to urge nutritionally balanced commercial foods unless a veterinarian recommends a home-formulated recipe for medical purposes. In therein event, your veterinarian will likely recommend a recipe developed by veterinarians certified in animal nutrition. 

The subsequent tips and resources can assist you make an informed decision in selecting a diet for your pet:

  • Always consult your veterinarian first if you’re considering switching to a replacement diet or giving your pet a replacement supplement or treat.
  • Less than 10% of your pet’s daily caloric intake should come from treats.
  • Switching diets too quickly or introducing a spread of treats can cause gastrointestinal upset in pets; in some cases, this will be quite serious.
  • Some of the foods people eat are highly toxic to pets; ask your veterinarian which foods are safe to share together with your pets.
  • Bring an inventory of everything you feed your pet including brand names with you to your veterinary appointment.

 A dog isn’t an individual, and a cat isn’t a little dog. The essential physiological differences between humans, cats, and dogs involve specific nutritional requirements. As a cat owner should strive to know even the littlest of nutritional differences between each species and in doing so, help make sure that our diets support their unique needs.

  This suggests that new products are researched and developed, not through trends in human nutrition or the preference of pet owners, but utilizing science and observation to supply a particular combination of nutrients vital to every cat or dog’s health. Putting the important needs of the animals first helps make sure that we’ve a transparent focus to guide our research and underpin the nutritional mission of all our foods.

  Applying our in-depth knowledge of nutrients to the precise requirements of cats enables us to deliver a tailored solution. By focusing single-mindedly on helping cats have healthy lives, we offer you the simplest reason possible to settle on our supplements.

During a nutrient-focused approach, the precise nutritional needs of cats and dogs are evaluated first, and an optimal diet profile is predicated on the requirements that are established. These needs are determined by the species of the pet, but also their breed, lifestyle, age, and health condition or sensitivities. From here, high-quality, highly digestible ingredients are selected which may be combined to match the precise nutritional profiles.